Non Support Issue

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New Member
My ex was ordered via the divorce decree to use an addition amt. of money from 401K to pay off credit card debt. She took the money but has not paid all of the debt. I stopped alimony 3 months ago and started using the money to pay off the debt. I sent her a letter to let her know when the debt was paid I would resume alimony. Word is that she is going to file against me for witholding alimony. Do I stand a chance if I end up in court? I have kept accurate records and since she defied the decree I assumed I had a legit arguement.
I'm not an attorney, but if you are court ordered to pay alimony and stop payment without going through the proper channels (the court), you probably don't stand a chance.
You cannot stop alimony because she is in violation of the decree. You file contempt charges on her.
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