North Carolina Lawyers??

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A Civil case. I got served a civil summons a while back for like $1200 and im a sheriffs deputy so of course I had to take a leave from work cause i couldnt work while it was pending but anyway I got all my stuff together and went to court on my own and this brock and scott attorney didnt show up so the judge dismissed it cause they FTA but now i got a motion to restore to active docket in the mail the other day and if i dont get it stopped im gonna end up having to take another leave if i dont get fired. I was gonna try and file a answer on my own but im not sure how to do it and get it right so i figure i might be better off to try and get a anttorney this go around but the one i talk to here wants $1500 up front but i can pay off for that much lol and she said theirs no promise she can beat it. I wish i could find somebody to file a answer for me or another motion to dismiss or something to see if i could get rid of it for good and if it goes to court again Ill go it alone again and do my best. by the way this debt isnt mine I dont recall it at all and they cant show me a contract i signed or anything sayin its mine.
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