North Carolina- Radar versus Cop "estimating speed"

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picked up a speeding ticket by a city cop. my radar detector did not go off until i had slowed down to below the speed limit, but he stopped me anyway. I asked the cop to show me the radar reading. it said "62". After sitting in the car while he wrote up the ticket, I then asked how he obtained the reading b/c my radar detector did not go off until several (like 3-4) seconds after I had seen him. he said "i had visually estimated your speed to be about 57 mph, and this is a 45 mph zone"..... he wrote up the ticket to reflect "radar" rather than visual estimation.

should i fight it or just pay the damn thing?
North Carolina Speeding Ticket

If you pay the ticket and he charged you with 62 in a 45 your license will be suspended and you will have a major hike in your insurance. Try for a PFJ or a reduction to 54mph.
You probably do not want to bring up the part about your radar detector not going off to the Judge when you ask for the PFJ ;)

Pay attention to lwpat, a conviction gets you a 90% insurance increase the next three years in addition to the suspension. If you can't plea it down to a less than 10 over, plead not guilty and get a lawyer.

Just curious, what city and what kind of radar detector?
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