not getting all my money that I have earned from my employer

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New Member
I recently received my check from work. When I opened it I realized that I cheated out of at least $200. I have tried and tried to get in touch with my boss to see what happened, but he won't talk to me meaning he won't return my calls and when I go to my job he is nowhere to be found. Is this legal and if not what can I do about it.
I recently received my check from work. When I opened it I realized that I cheated out of at least $200. I have tried and tried to get in touch with my boss to see what happened, but he won't talk to me meaning he won't return my calls and when I go to my job he is nowhere to be found. Is this legal and if not what can I do about it.

If you dispute the amount paid to you for wages, as an employee (NOT A CONTRACTOR) you report it to these fine people:,4601,7-154-61256_11407_32352---,00.html

Then you file a claim here, with these same nice people:
Good luck.

Or, you can file a lawsuit in a Michigan court and pursue the wages in dispute, yourself.
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