Not getting paid

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New Member
I sold my business last year. Only used a contract. I have been receiving 100.00/mos for 12 months to pay off the balance of what was owed me. a month ago I noticed my ex-business was closed and I had not received Jan. payment. I called one of the owner's and he said he didn't know when he would pay me and he had bills and th govt. to pay.
My husband then called the other owner and he said if I didn't get a check within 2 weeks he would write one out his account (a local dentist). I waited 2 more weeks and called the dentist office and asked for that check. I heard nothing.
Today there is a sign on the business that says "Auction Feb. 13".
What can I do to get my money? Can I file a lien against the property before the auction date? The balance is more than allowed in KS. small claims.
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