Not hired because I am a woman

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I went to a job interview yesterday for a local motel. It was the graveyard shift which I have experience in. Not to mention the fact that I have 9+ years experience in the hotel industry overall. A gentleman who was less qualified and less professional in appearance was also interviewing for the same position. When the manager called me today, she stated very clearly that she had hired the gentleman over me because he is a man and she doesn't trust women on the graveyard shift. She continued to tell me that there was a position open in laundry which is better for a woman. Do I have a case? I have never in my life felt so belittled.
You, potentially possess a prima facie case for sex discrimination. The biggest proem you'll face is proving it. Once you bring an action, I suspect her story will be different than yours! Talk to your local EEOC or an attorney and see what they have to tell you.

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If it were me...I would definitely solicit an email from her outlining the reason you were not hired. I would explain you need it for unemployment or something of the like. Get it in writing without tipping her hand. They can dispute a conversation, but something in writing is golden...or at the very least, they will spend a bit of money defending their sexist behaviors!!!

Go get em girl!!!
If it were me...I would definitely solicit an email from her outlining the reason you were not hired. I would explain you need it for unemployment or something of the like. Get it in writing without tipping her hand. They can dispute a conversation, but something in writing is golden...or at the very least, they will spend a bit of money defending their sexist behaviors!!!

Go get em girl!!! you seriously think that the potential employer would say such a thing in an email?

If ignorant enough to state the reason for not hiring after the interview - I say roll the dice...what isn't to gain? No worse off...people do amazing things...hence the reason for advice...
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