Not hired because I'm a woman???

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I just found out that I did not get a job that I had interviewed for with my old company (Fortune 500). The manager ended up hiring a close friend of his and a friend of a friend that currently works for him. (I hope that makes sense) Both are males and neither has any Proposal experience. I on the other hand worked for this company for 8+ years, have 5+ years Proposal experience at the company, but I am female and was not hired for either position. Do you think this is discrimination? According to an inside source there were only 3 people interviewed, myself and the two friends who were hired. There is also only one female on the entire team and she was hired before the current manager became the current manager.

I consistently achieved high ratings and awards during my 5+ years tenure in Proposals and do not understand how they could hire two people without any experience in the field. From what I understand, from my inside source, this manager enjoys the 'ol boy's network and prefers working with male friends.

I left the company almost 3 years ago on very good terms, in fact the only reason I left was because I was having difficulties getting pregnant and ended up having to go through multiple procedures, which I didn't think I could do while still working at my job. Of course I didn't go into this level of detail in my resignation letter. The hiring manager knows that I resigned to help my husband's company and to have a baby because he asked the question in an email after the interview. When I resigned they asked me to stay on for an additional quarter (3 months)!

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I really loved the company, and this job, and I am extremely disappointed. Thanks!
I don't. Say it's not gender, it's simply hiring friends because you like them while ignoring the qualified candidate, is that still legal?

I'm sure if I wanted to pursure this further I could have my inside source get a copy of their resumes to prove they have no experience (wouldn't be hard). I really just wanted some advise to whether or not this is legal. But I guess as the movie goes, "there's right and there's right, and never the twain shall meet"... :)
Not all discrimination is illegal. If it was due to gender then yes its illegal. If its due to friends being hired first its not. You can still make an arguement and spend a great deal of time combating this if you like
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