NOT Hired Because of Previous Work Experience

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I was wondering if someone could help me out with some information on this issue. I applied at a telemarketing job through my university, because i heard getting hired was a piece of cake, especially if you have no experience. I had an interview, and a few days later they called and said there were a few others that were more qualified, and i didnt get the job. Approx. a week later a friend of mine who is a shift manager asked the recruiter why they didnt hire me, i had asked him to maybe find out, because i thought i was a shoe-in with some experience in this kind of field. Come to find out the reason they did not hire me was because i have worked in the telemarketing field before. Is it discrimination to not hire someone because of previous work history? I am 100% sure this is the reason why i did not get hired, and am a little angry that this was an issue for me in this situation.

If anyone could help, i would appreciate it greatly!!

- Mike
It is not ILLEGAL discrimination.

Any time an employer chooses one applicant over another as the final recipient of the job, it is discrimination in the dictionary sense. It is only ILLEGAL discrimination if it is due to your race, religion, national origin, gender, disability, pregnancy, or because you are over 40. Depending on what state you are in, there may or may not be additions to this list, including but not limited to marital status, sexual orientation, or whether or not you smoke. But in no state is it illegal to refuse to hire someone BECAUSE they have previous experience. It may or may not be foolish, depending on why they are looking for inexperienced workers. (For example, if they are looking to train someone from the ground up in their specific style or format, then someone who is already experienced in another style or format may be counter-productive to their program.) But it is not illegal.

Even if you are 100% correct that this is the reason, you have no legal recourse. They are not obligated to hire you because you have experience.
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