Not hired due to cell phone ringing.

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New Member
Hello there,

Last week, an employment agency set up an interview for me with a new luxury
condo/hotel as a night auditor. I am actually overqualified with 20+ years mgmt experience(supervision of 750+ associates and 40m in revenue). The interview went very well--from my viewpoint. The only incident was my cell phone rang twice and was promptly turned off by me. The two persons at the interview actually made it seem as if I had gotten the position and would be contacting me. Anyway, I called the employment agency today and was told I did not get the position due to the cell phone ringing. I mean if they hire someone with less experience instead of me am I entitled to a reason. Is this legal? :confused: Who would I contact first about such a weird incident?

Thanks for any assistance
They do not owe you a job. If they feel that a lesser qualified person is a better fit for the job (many employers do not like to hire over qualified people) they may do so. You are not entitled to a reason why you were not hired. It is 100% legal and there is no one to report it to. I would probably not hire someone who didn't have the common sense to turn off his cell phone before coming into a job interview either.

Ultimately, forgetting to turn off the cell phone was a reflection of how seriously I was taking the interview as well as the position. I appreciate your comments.

Jose bob
If you were serious about the job, you would have thought to have turned off your cell phone....I don't think I would have hired you turned it off TWICE! Why didn't you just shut it off before you even entered???

You think by your phone ringing and you reaching down to silence it made an impression? And you did it twice?
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