Not knowing i have child dupport

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I have two kids with my ex. Since i moved out we had agreed for me to pay her a certain amount per month. By december, i got laid off and she knew about it. I take the kids with me every weekend. She put child support on me but i didnt know until last month that i received a letter saying i needed to pay $1800 that i hadnt payed since september. I sold my truck last month and gave her $2300 cash and told her to call the child support services to say i gave her that amount. I got paid today and my check was at $0 because child support took it all. What can i do?
Never agree to child support absent a court order.

What you've given her will be considered a gift.

That's why they took your paycheck.

I suggest you speak with an attorney, ASAP.

Yeah, I know it's expensive.

But, so is working for nothing!!!!

Even a lawyer might be unable to help you now.

But, it won't cost you anything to discuss your options.

You also need to go to court to get the order amended, if you can!!
Why on earth didn't you pay CSE directly?!

It could well be that your "gift" was considered just that - a gift!

And are you saying that last month was the first you were even served with child support papers?

And your paycheck - even with arrears - cannot be taken 100%.

So what's actually going on?
I got paid today and my check was at $0 because child support took it all. What can i do?

It is against the law to garnish your wages beyond a certian percentage. And if you are making a very little amount they can not garnish your wages at all, even with a court order. I am not certian what else may be going on, but this doesn't sound right to me.
It is against the law to garnish your wages beyond a certian percentage. And if you are making a very little amount they can not garnish your wages at all, even with a court order. I am not certian what else may be going on, but this doesn't sound right to me.

Even if he's only earning $50/week, it may still be garnishable for child support.

CS/support obligations are not treated the same as regular creditor garnishments :)

Either way, I agree with you - there's something not quite right here...
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