Not married + Joint Finances = HELP!

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New Member
Hello - I'm currently engaged and want to end the relationship. Unfortunately, our finances are quite co-mingled - Joint savings and checks, we own a house, and have some joint debt. In addition, we own 6 animals. I'm totally for splitting everything equitable, or in some cases giving her what she deserves (for instance, she put the majority of the DP for our house, even though our deed has both of the listed as Joint Owners). However, I'm afraid of how she might react to breaking up, as she can be vindictive (hence the breakup). I want this process to go as smooth as possible, so I'm wondering what kind of laws protect someone on my situation?? I'm not sure we'd be considered common law husband and wife, since we've only been living together a little over a year. Would it be worth the cost of hiring a lawyer in my situation? Help!!!
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