Not paying for Service Rendered- No Contract between friends

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New Member
I have made a huge mistake.

I own a home that I live in and rent rooms to my friends. I had contracts created for all of them and all but one signed them. This is my problem, we had a verbal agreement :no: that my "friend" would stay 2 months in the house. He decided to break that agreement and stay 1 month and 14 day. I said i would porate the 14 days. He has paid me for the month that he stayed in the house but refuses to pay for the half a month he has lived in the house. Granted the 14 days would amount to $225.

Which is not a small amount in this day and age but not a big enough amount to call in my lawyer.

I feel he is entitled to pay for the room, just on the days he used it which was half a month. Thoughts?

I read in VA when a parties exchanges money for housing that is an agreement. Even with out a contract.
I think it would be considered a month to month tenancy or tenancy at will. You only option would be to seek relief in small claims court if the so called friend refuses to pay. Even if you win, you still probably won't see the money and is it even worth it for such a small amount. I would suggest you cut your losses and be happy the bum is out of your house.
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