Roomate Not Paying Rent with a Roommate

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I live in Iowa. Myself and my roommate have both of our names on our year lease (with her three kids). Can i get kicked off the lease if i loose my job and can't pay rent for a few months, if she continues to pay and keep us up to date on rent payments?
When reading the past reply from a different thread, i feel that is in reference to a scenario where one party pays their half of the rent and the other party doesn't. In my case, my roommate paid the entire amount (i usually transfer money to my roommates account and she pays rent with a single check).
I will say this. As long as she is willing to pay the full amount & willing to have you stay there, you should be ok. If she wants you to pay your share of the rent & you don't, depending on how the lease is worded, it could possibly be said you breached the lease. She could try having you evicted (takes time) or sue you (probably small claims court) for what you owe.

Others may have more info.
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