not stopping for police car

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the officer says I failed to obey signs and markings. It was raining heavy and I was at the end of route 140 south. I took a left turn on a right lane. everybody does that and I didn't see any signs and I know that there are no markings on the ground. So, when he was behind me first I didn't see him, then when I did, I didn't think he was after me, since I hadn't done anything wrong. When I finally heard his siren I was at the corner near my house, and instead of stopping I drove to my driveway so he could give me the citation safely. He was very upset that I didn't stop and checked off on the citation CRIMINAL OFFENSE. And said that I would have to go to court and explain why I didn't stop for a police officer. I don't have any criminal or bad driving record. What should I expect at court. What are the fine $. Or perminant criminal record or jail time? I'm very nervous. thank you.
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