Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI Not Sure If I Got A Dui, Please Look At My Situation...

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so it was prom night i had a few beers... got knocked out and woke up at 6, which was when everyone else woke up. it was time to leave, so i get my best friend and we leave. on the freeway back home from time to time, he told me to pull over, cause he felt like yacking, so i did. well like the 3rd time a highway patrol pulled up behind us, and asked if we had anything to drink, cause he could "smell it". im pretty sober already, but i did some test where i had to blow in something and it said i had .021 whatever, alcohol in me. so he towed my car and gave me this "suspension/revocation order and temporary drivers license". i asked if my car was gonna be impounded, but its just getting "stored." anyway, i get dropped off a denny's and my other friend picks me up, as for my best friend he got taken to the local jail and got picked up by his parents cause he was 16 and im 18 by the way.

now my question is i only got, "suspension/revocation order and temporary drivers license" paper which is supposedly the DMV part. the officer never mentioned anything about a DUI and my alcohol level was really low... am i gonna get more stuff in the mail? what do you guys think? what should i expect from this? DUI? minor charges? major charges? im really scared...
What state did this happen in? In this state if you are under 21 years of age and your breath test is 0.02 grams or more than it would be considered DUI.
happened in california, and yea im under 21 and got a .021... so i guess there is something coming in the mail right...? cause the officer didnt give me anything but the DMV paper. im so scared... this is my fist dui offense and im expecting so much shit to happen to me... i mean im already getting my license taken away... i think thats worse enough... cause i need it so bad... literally my life would be screwed without it... and i dont think i can get a lawyer, because its too expensive plus i told the cop everything, told him the truth, of when i drank, how much i drank, and how much sleep i had...
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