not sure what to do


New Member
I have a tenant who left a month ago. I followed sending out all notices as per law.
Weekly i have gotten letters from this woman saying that we are less than model citizens.
Stating we were charging her for our sewer water and trash bills. Untrue and expected from her. We have bills to prove.
Other than the redneck scumbag and dirty filthy pigs that she called us the fact that these letters have esculated to now containing round about threats about calling the board of nursing because i am a bad nurse and telling the whole town that my husband is a pedofile.
Each letter seems to esculate in its passive agressive threats.
I am a nurse and i take my job seriously.
What can i do legally if anything? Can i claim anything when i file on the unpaid damage report?
I have lost sleep over these letters and it seems they are not going to stop.
I have a tenant who left a month ago. I followed sending out all notices as per law.
Weekly i have gotten letters from this woman saying that we are less than model citizens.
Stating we were charging her for our sewer water and trash bills. Untrue and expected from her. We have bills to prove.
Other than the redneck scumbag and dirty filthy pigs that she called us the fact that these letters have esculated to now containing round about threats about calling the board of nursing because i am a bad nurse and telling the whole town that my husband is a pedofile.
Each letter seems to esculate in its passive agressive threats.
I am a nurse and i take my job seriously.
What can i do legally if anything? Can i claim anything when i file on the unpaid damage report?
I have lost sleep over these letters and it seems they are not going to stop.

If someone were PUBLICLY accusing me of being a pedophile, and I'm not a pedophile, no amount of money would or could make me whole. Once you lose your reputation, or have it sullied, how much money cleanses it and restores it?

"Where Do I Go To Get My Reputation Back?"

That was the question asked by Ray Donovan, former president Ronald Reagan's Labor Secretary, after he was found not guilty of corruption charges. It is the question that many folks found not guilty ask. And I suspect that it was the question asked by a Virginia teacher who was accused of sexual abuse of a student, found not guilty, but who was fired anyway.

I suggest you let this go. The ones slinging mud and monkey excrement at you and husband aren't worth it. If you wrestle a pig, you'll get dirty, even if you beat the pig!!!

The ones causing you the pain, anguish, and angst have nothing. You've got everything. Let them slither away. Leave them to wallow in their own filth, feces, and garbage.

Some battles can't be won, even after you've slain the dragon because his putrefying carcass will bring pests, disease, vermin, and a lasting stench to your once pristine village.

Your legal option here is to sue these creatures for slander and/or libel. If you want to throw away $25,000 (or more) to chase a verdict of say $10,000 that you'll never collect (even if you prevail), hire a lawyer and instruct her to seek justice for you and your husband.

If I were in your postion, I'd have walked away and never looked back (remember Lot's wife) long ago.

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