i accepted a job in another state but was not told that it was only a 1 year employment contract until after! i and my wife had both quit the jobs we already had and moved our entire life and family across country to start work. no indication whatsoever was given in the job posting that it was only a year contract. it was not until days later that my suporvisor came to me and gave me the contract saying that it was only a year contract and that this contract could mabey not be renewd at the end of a year. i had no choice but! to sign the contract because i had already quit my job in fl which was a permant position, i had moved my entire family down here and my entire life. needless to say they have now after a year refused to renew my contract and now we are in limbo. is there any recourse for me to sue these people at all? is there any law that says an employer must! tell an employee before that employee uproots his entire life, quit his former job......that the contract is only for 1 year? this is so frustrating please help!