Consumer Law, Warranties Notary Republic letters

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Ok, My husband & I borrowed $1500 from a neighbor stating we would pay it back by March 1st, well my husband's disabilty backpay didn't come until April 4th, He didn't get back as much as he had thought he would,
Anyway my neighbors dad is a notery republic and he wrote up the paper, So we gave them $1000 and they agreed that we could pay the $500 in payments, but they are wanting another statement signed, they said if not they would prosacute us fpr the rest of the money, also they are making VERY hateful phone calls & leaving harrassing messages on my answering machine! Anyway if they take us to court do they have top pay to take us & if we telll the judge we are trying to work out payment plans with them, will he allow us to do so?
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