Notice to be released from employment

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New Member
I work for a federal contractor on a federal site. When I took my position we were only required to have a basic federal clearance. Things have changed and I am now required to have a secret clearance. I have completed my clearance information and was not given an immediate interim clearance. I am in the process of adjudication but have not received a packet to answer to any of the issues they may have found that are questionable. I know all issues will be credit/debt related. Nothing else. We have had several other personnel in my department that have had the same issue. They, however were given plenty of time to answer to their debt issues. The adjudication process can take up to 2 years to complete for full clearance. I have been given notice of separation from the company, 30 days. I still not received a packet to answer as all others have. Due to pass practice, do I have any recourse to fight them on the notice? Thank you for any assistance you can provide.
They can let you go if they choose.
You say several times that you have been waiting for papers and have not received anything. Have you been proactive about this and contacted them to follow up on the matter and request the documents?
Perhaps if you are able to hurry things along within 30 days you might spare your job?
Yes I have but I am only told my case is in process. No one else I can talk to, no one I can email, just the general number and general email. I have also requested direct contact with the adjudicator of my file. They will give me nothing but status ... "in process"
You can generally be let go at any time for any reason except for a reason prohibited by law such as age (generally 40 & over), race, religion.....

or unless you have a binding employment contract to the contrary.
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