Notice to quit

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New Member
We have a 1 year lease, ending 1/31/09. We received a notice to quit by 9/30/08 or renew our lease due to rent increase.

However we have only been here 6 months, need major repairs. We are willing to pay the increase, but now until all repairs are completed and we do not want to pay the current month either.

My question, does this notice to quit apply to us since our lease is not up yet and how can we fight it?
Your lease should be binding for its duration without any changes. Unless all parties approve. Now without seeing the exact wording of your lease its not possible to say for sure. However I suspect your lease is still good and the change unlawful. Take your lease to an Attorney to be sure
Thank you I have read my lease over and over looking for a clause that states a renewal will be in place within 6 months and have found nothing to that effect.
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