Nov. 5 All About Communism and Its Repugnant Trappings

army judge

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Make No Mistake, Campaign and Election '24 Are 100% About Communism
By Brig Gen (ret) Blaine Holt

Endless crises these days, are coming in so fast and in such volume that even the best news organizations and citizen journalists can hardly stay with a story that, in the old days (think last year and in prior years), would have lived five to seven days in the spotlight.

Today, a major story is up merely for hours — sometimes a day or two.

Is this all by design? To genuinely inform, or to maliciously distract and deceive us?

This writer votes the latter. Can we please start focusing on what the left really wants

That's for us to be "unburdened" by: our Founding, and our sacred Constitution.

No one should trivialize what is constantly being hurled at We the People.

Let's consider the stark realities we face at home and globally.

  • Looming global wars.
  • Skyrocketing crime.
  • An invasion of fighting-age men, no not from bases here in America.
  • Rumors of new pandemics and vaccines.
  • Assassination attempts against President Trump (now numbering two, which is two too many - at any time in history.)
  • Worries over election integrity.
  • New talk of government-led censorship.
  • Impending financial collapse.
  • And so much more which are beyond real, but meriting riveted attention.
How and why?

Because "The Swamp" — led by Team-Biden faithful, as well as RINOs (Republicans in Name Only) fear our constitutional freedoms.

Offensively, they hurtle every burning coal they can retrieve out of the ashbin of failed left policies.

Those embers take on ominous shapes and sizes; and yes they all equate to more than we can ever hope to handle.

And we're witness to "follow-up tyranny," in the form of admonishment for citizens fixing their inquisitive gaze on the swamp and its . . . Residents? Creatures?

We the People don't dare veer, in our utterances, viewings, and readings from those of mother and father state-approved narratives, or dare "act out" any of these.

Articulate, and loudly enough espouse, your critical thinking, and you may be labeled a radicalized misinformation rabble-rouser.

That's the "misdemeanor," so to speak.

And the "felony"? Being placed on a list, make that, multiple watch lists.

  • Aurora buildings taken by Tren de Aragua? Gov. Jared Polis, D-Colo., says it never happened.
  • Assassination attempt questions?
  • Leave that to the pros at DOJ, and per the media, "Trump brought this on himself."
Oh, I see. So, we've brought all the other calamities on ourselves, also.

Read: We the People are miscreants for putting trust in God and country.

Crime rates through the roof due to illegal immigrants?

Crime is going down, lectures ABC's David Muir.

And don't call them illegals — they're migrants, remember?

As rough as the terrain looks in 2024 , there's a vastly bigger game afoot. A most deadly one. And if you look up, above the fray, to see what that game is, don't be surprised to be labeled a conspiracy theorist, extremist, deplorable, or some other pejorative.

Keep looking anyway. This is about Communism.

At just the right time, Democrats dumped their president, faster than any bus could ever hope to roll. Some have even called it a coup.

Harris now coronated.

She's especially so now, with a U.S. Senate track-record appreciably to the left of Karl Marx, joined at the hip by Gov. Tim Walz, D-Minn.

They both occupy lofty slots as a "selects," not "elects."

Who's the "dictator" in chief now?

Meanwhile, we're supposed to be distracted (as in mollified) by jokes about her word salads, her cackle, or her current boss' inability to speak, his love of the beach, and his wearing of a Trump Make America Great Again (MAGA) hat.

This matters how? Let's return to the word salad, and its more than troubling dynamics:

"What can be, unburdened by what has been," so she "proclaimeth."

The destruction of history (what has been) unburdens communists as they move to assert a new order (what can be).

Examples include Czar Nicholas II's pogroms in Russia, Joseph Stalin's purges (and pogroms) in Russia's Soviet Union, Mao's Cultural Revolution in China, and the Khmer Rouge, in Cambodia.

The common thread?

All pivoted and thrived on the systematic destruction, or rewriting of, history.

Control, control, control.

Despite the lies perpetuated by a complicit mainstream media machine, Vice President Kamala Harris has conveniently forgotten that the internet is forever.

No matter how many times she tells you she wants the middle class to thrive or that she and Tim would never take your guns, there are too many online artifacts indicating that neither are interested in any of those stubborn things called rights.

—We stand on the brink of failing our Founders.

—We risk extinguishing liberty's light, don't comfort yourself with the thought that we won't have to worry about living in a Communist America until some giant hammer and sickle lands.

No, it won't be so easy to recognize. But recall, they want it that way.

Here are some cues to look for instead:

  • Increasing centralized control from the federal government.
  • Lawfare designed to eliminate dissent, and voter choice.
  • Censorship.
  • Warrantless surveillance and searches. (What 4th Amendment?)
  • Inflation of currency to dissolve private property.
  • Price and wage controls.
  • Regulations wielded by the unelected, to punish.
  • Primacy over parental rights.
  • Political prisoners.
  • Unbounded medical experimentation.
  • No Accountability government employees loyal to the administration, not to the Constitution.
Have you witnessed any of these over the last four years?

Every one of them charts a course to a post-constitutional America. Oblivion.

Please burden yourself.

Defend America and vote like your very soul depends on it.
It does.

Brig. Gen. Blaine Holt (retired) is a co-founder of Restore Liberty, a former deputy representative to NATO, a lifetime member on the Council on Foreign Relations, and a Newsmax contributor. The views presented are those of the author and do not represent the views of the U.S. government, U.S. Department of Defense, or its components.
That article is as much an overreaction on the part of the right as the claims from the left that electing Trump will lead to Facism. I see nothing that suggests either outcome is at all likely whichever candidate we elect. This is the kind of election demonizing that seeks to scare people rather than inform them. The General is entitled his views and to express them, but I very much disagree with his take on things. This election isn't anything so dire as a choice between Communism and Facism. The vast majority of people in this country would not tolerate, let alone support, either one. Don't allow yourself to be misled by the doomsayers in either party. Instead of focusing on vague unsupported claims of plans to turn the country into some kind of dictatorship, look at what policies they support and how they would govern.

What we have this election is a disappointing choice between two mediocre (at best) candidates. Rather than the radical change to Communism or Facism that some people are ranting about, what I think is far more likely is another four years of relatively little done by Congress and the president blocked from enacting anything ambitious as a result. In other words, we'll largely muddle on the next four years much as we've done the last eight years with nothing much done to deal with the longterm problems that we already know are coming.

It is very important for voters to focus on their choices for the House and Senate. The Congress enacts the laws we live under and decides what agencies and programs to fund. It is in some ways more important that the President. A unfied Congress willing to use the full range of its powers can effect far more change than any president can do alone. If you don't research the candidates for these offices and make a thoughtful choice and instead just focus on whom you'll vote for as president you are missing a very important part of what will determine our future.
The vast majority of people in this country would not tolerate, let alone support, either one. Don't allow yourself to be misled by the doomsayers in either party.

Today's citizenry are weak, pampered, and most are unable to protect themselves and their possessions.

Americans today are weak, devoid of patriotsm, with very limited knowledge of our nation's history, less about world history. A recent survey revealed just how most people in this nation are uninformed, under educated.

Human beings are regressing in development, slowly becoming more talk and rhetoric devoid of substance, unable to do what our oppressed forbears did, revolt and dethrone him, the once all powerful (but insane, possessing a very low IQ) United Kingdom's King George III.

What is even scarier is erasing history by desiccating confederate monuments and statues. Like that is going to make things better, first them and the next thing you know they are removing all the rest like Jefferson and Lincoln.