Numerous illegal entries+


New Member
I'm a bit confused by feedback I've received from a couple attorneys on this. First some background. I've been renting my apt since mid Jan 2012. Oral agreement. No security deposit. Mthly rent paid via cash. Is a manufactured home like structure situated in the middle of a larger lot. Vehicles are rented space to park here. less than half of this building is an business office (LL only here a few hours a day-as this is his business location). He has his own exterior entrance, as do I. There is a door in-between his office and my apt (I am not allowed to lock it + no key given to me). No other terms-I just live here and pay my rent. I have never been late nor missed a net pmt. LL was hardly in his office at the beginning. However, he stared coming into his office more frequently around Spring of 2013. The LL habitually enters into my apartment for no reason (other than to use my restroom or kitchen). His office is being enough where he could have a small fridge and sink installed in it + add a bathroom. There also is one of those ports potties outside too (he sometimes uses it). LL has had customers use my restroom (customers being people who have their vehicle stored here). None of his entries have ever been to repair something (OK-one was to repair a toilet issue that he'd knew about for roughly 30 days). Entries are not for emergency purposes. He just enters at his own will. No advance written notice. I do have proof of 125+ entries (there have been many more). I know this is not permitted under the CA B&P code (1954?)-except under certain conditions (that do not apply for these entries). I never gave my approval for these entries, and have no choice (I do not drive now due to declining health, so I cannot just pick up and move). One attorney I'd spoken with even asked me what other damages I have from these entries. This ? both surprised & confused me. No privacy plus lack of quiet enjoyment I am entitled to just by paying my rent seems pretty severe to me from a mental standpoint. I have had some of my food eaten by my LL. Nothing stolen from what I can tell (I also have a security camera in place just in case). There are other issues too (I'd thought this was a legal rental unit, but may in fact not be such). The security bars here do not have quick release latches. No hot water in the shower (LL 'tried' t fix this. I'd even asked him if the hot water heater he'd installed in the bathroom actually is also connected to the pipes leading to the shower). No heat during the winter (it gets cooler here at night). I use a fan doing the summer, and a space heater during the winter. I was even self evicted a month after I'd 1st moved in (by a biz partner of his I have not seen in 3 years; LL was out of the country when this occurred, and did not communicate the I WAS A NEW TENANT). I also have insect issues (and I keep my apt very clean-have pics and videos of this too). I don't know what else to do. I cannot talk to the LL about this, because it has done no good in the past (he figures this is his building, and he can do as he pleases). I even called the county sheriffs' office after a recent illegal entry (Ll came in at 7:30 PM this past Saturday to use some of my sugar to feed some bees he has on site). He'd just stopped by on his way home from LA. I'd told hime to wait a second before he came in (2 quick knocks). He still came in, and looked pissed off (an then tells me he is using some of my sugar). I guess all of this is not enough to be considered as damages. Again, I have photos/videos/meticulous notes. Confused and frustrated. Of course I would be able to move if all these activities amounted to some type of civil award. My LL is even risking having his business shut down by county zoning (by illegally renting to a tent for residential purposes). Confused. Very confused. Guess this is not a strong enough case?
I rarely read things that lengthy.
Others do, so hang on a couple more hours.
I rarely read things that lengthy.
Others do, so hang on a couple more hours.
Sorry for being verbose. Just frustrated with my situation. Basically-100s of illegal entries by my LL (documented + solid proof). Think he's trying to make me move, or is just careless. Habitability issues. May not be a legal rental (meaning LL cannot collect rent). 1 unwarranted self eviction. No hot water for showering. No source of heat. No quick release latches on security bars. No free extinguisher (bought my own). Allows customers (those storing their vehicles here) to use my bathroom, when there's one outside this building. County Sheriff dept is willing to come and talk to him about this, but, this would compromise my safety + lead to retaliatory actions by LL. I am not allowed to lock the door LL uses for illegal entry + he's using my fridge to store a small amount of food (his office is large enough for his own fridge).
Sorry for being verbose. Just frustrated with my situation. Basically-100s of illegal entries by my LL (documented + solid proof). Think he's trying to make me move, or is just careless. Habitability issues. May not be a legal rental (meaning LL cannot collect rent). 1 unwarranted self eviction. No hot water for showering. No source of heat. No quick release latches on security bars. No free extinguisher (bought my own). Allows customers (those storing their vehicles here) to use my bathroom, when there's one outside this building. County Sheriff dept is willing to come and talk to him about this, but, this would compromise my safety + lead to retaliatory actions by LL. I am not allowed to lock the door LL uses for illegal entry + he's using my fridge to store a small amount of food (his office is large enough for his own fridge).

Wow, with all of that whizzing about, you might want to chat with a lawyer.
You just might have a legal remedy available to you.
It's too big for you to address without legal help, if you do.

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