Nursing license application and juvenile "informal adjustment"

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This is in Iowa. Daughter was 17 back in 2009 and was with a group who shoplifted. She did not take anything but left with the group and was charged along with others with 3rd degree theft. She did an informal adjustment agreement which lasted for 6 months. She has had no legal issues at all in the last 4 years.

She is now finishing nursing school and has this question on license application:

Have you ever pled guilty to, or been convicted of, a criminal offense, other than a minor traffic violation. (Include deferred judgments)?

What is the proper answer for this question? Better to say yes and explain or is it correct that it's officially not a conviction?

Thanks for any help!
As you explain it, she pled guilty and has a conviction.
It's always best to tell the truth.
If she receives her license, she'll be asked this again when she applies for employment.
Always tell the truth, and don't break the law.
If she fails to be licensed,she may have to speak to an attorney about having her record expunged.
Lets hope that doesn't happen.

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