NY State Child support

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I am growing more frustated with Suffolk County Enforcement Bureau as well as Family Court.

In April, I went to CSEB to get the paperwork going to start a new Child support case against my ex-wife whom lives in Connecticut. I have custoday of my two daughters. I am in Week 14, which there hasn't been any movement on my case. I am in the dark on where this case is going. The non-custodial parent has been located which means CSEB has a confirmed address on her. I have never been down this road before and NOBODY is giving me advice on the case status. I have to call the CSEB Helpline each and every week to get some news even when there isn't any new updates.

I am pulling out my hair in frustation because I want this case to move quicker than what it should be moving. I don't think a petition has been created yet because NOBODY is giving me answers.

Please can someone hear me. Can someone offer any advice to me on how I can speed this process up. Is there anyone at Family Court I can talk to besides the endless ringing at General Clerks desk? I just want to get the letter in the mail with a docket number. Without this letter, my case is not going anywhere.

I need to make something very clear, my divorce has NOTHING to do with this brand new case. CSEB already looked in CT to see if I have any pending or existing cases. CSEB is dragging there feet on this case.

Any suggestions?
Honestly? 14 weeks isn't that long.

Go PHYSICALLY down to the office and request a copy of your file.
When it comes to support issues, you're on your own.

The authorities will eventually act, but that could take 6 months, 18 months; maybe even 3,4, 5 or more years.

All I can tell you, is what you don't wanna hear, hire a lawyer.

That won't make it instantaneous, however.
That could shorten things by 40-50%, maybe!!!

Sorry, that's the sad story, especially dealing across state lines.
That is what I am trying to avoid is hiring an attorney. 14 weeks is a long time if u are in my shoes. I just want the petition of order to be created in the court then it could drag on.
Short people wanna be tall, fat people wanna be thin, bald people wanna have hair; wants aren't needs.

I don't like paying taxes, but I know I'd hate the result if I didn't pay them.

That said, Proserpina offered a viable option, visit them in person. Ask for help. It can't hurt.
That is what I am trying to avoid is hiring an attorney. 14 weeks is a long time if u are in my shoes. I just want the petition of order to be created in the court then it could drag on.
When you're dealing with children, I don't doubt it feels like an eternity. Try the advice you were given. I hate to say it, but we just don't have resources invested in this area. It's not a priority as is making sure that you keep your local sports team in town. When you have practically tenured employees who have little motivation and an economy causing government to let go of the little people who actually get things done, you're going to have to do more pushing in person. It is what it is and there are far worse offenders that they haven't even dealt with yet (if ever.)
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