NYC renter in need of advice

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New Member
I recently told my landlord I would not be resigning my lease. The events that have followed are not ethical in my mind, so I came here to get another opinion.

Is it legal for a broker who is trying to show my apartment, to harass me with many phone calls and text messages a day?

Is it legal for a broker or a landlord to give my personal phone number out to an applicant looking to lease my apartment once my lease expires?

Am I obligated to re-show the apartment to a broker and applicant so they can survery the apartment and measure things, even if they have already done a walk through once?

Can the management company take brokers and applicants into my apartment without my permission, and without advanced notice?

Thank you very much to anyone that can help provide answers to the above!
All of the answers, in great detail, are disclosed in your lease. You know, the one that you refused to renew.

In a word, everything the landlord and his agent are doing appears to be legal.

You can stop the phone calls.

Change your number and don't give them the new one. Otherwise, read your lease thoroughly.
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