Can a parole officer make a parolee do a program, once released from prison, that has nothing to do with why he was incarcerated to begin with?
For example...if the parolee has a one time sex offense charge on his record from 12 years ago can he be made to do a sex offender program if the reason he went to prison was for a DWI?
As a very young and dumb 1st LT placed in command of a basic training company, my 1st SGT was lecturing one of his Platoon SGTS and I heard him to say: "SGT Leyba, you can't make any of them recruits do a damn thing, but you can sure as hell make them regret what they didn't do!"
No, a PO can't MAKE a parolee do anything.
But, a PO can sure as hell make a parolee regret what he didn't do.
If a parolee is recalcitrant, obstinate, and refuses to do as instructed; I suspect the PO will take the steps necessary to see that the parolee is returned to prison (sooner or later).
Remember, parole is simply a VIRTUAL incarceration, and coincides with the parolee's institutionalization.
Parole can be revoked with the simple stroke of a judge's pen and a nod of his or head to a court officer to remand the person before the bar into custody.
Be very careful what when you refuse to comply with the orders of your PO.