Cat's paw is when your SUPERVISOR retaliates against you for an illegal reason. It has nothing to do with conniving coworkers, or your employer being honestly mistaken in their assessment of you. If you SUPERVISOR discriminates against you and fires you for an illegal reason, the company can not escape liability merely by making someone else who relied on only your SUPERVISOR'S discriminatory motive signed off on it. It still must be action taken by your actual supervisor, not just someone who is a lead or is later promoted, but your supervisor at the time of the termination, and who KNEW you had actually performed some protected act. You never performed that protected act. You never reported the conduct so whistleblower protections do not apply. Just knowing conduct which could have been reported is not in any way protected. Unless and until you actually report it, you have zero protection under the law. This guy was never your supervisor. Your supervisor had no clue you knew anything and certainly knew you never made a report of any illegal activity. Whatever their motive, it wasn't that you reported illegal conduct and they wished to retaliate against you.