Assault & Battery obtaining a police report

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New Member
several years ago I was injured by an ex-boyfriend. He punched me in the face several times. I can't take him to court for medical bills at this point and I'm not interested in pursuing charges or anything. But, I would like the police report to answer some questions left open so I can find some closure in this. I have been told I am unable to obtain a copy of the report because I was not the one who contacted police. The ex who hit me called the police on himself in panic and guilt about what he had done. He wasn't arrested and I'm not sure why - Louisville is in a commonwealth state. What are my rights in obtaining a police report of this incident?
I assume you are mentioned in the police report. If so you should be able to get a copy of it or (if you have the $) your attorney can obtain it for you.
Police reports are often exempt from public disclosure due to their classification as an investigate record. If you make a request for the report and the agency denies your request, you might have to go to court to seek its release. Ask them for the reason the record is exempt from disclosure. To compel the release of a record often requires either an active court case (for a subpoena) or your making a claim against the agency for a violation of your state's public records' act.

Here is a link to a KY police departments information on the public records' act:

The document also includes info on appealing the agency's decision to the state. That might be an intermediate solution rather than going to court.
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