Obtaining custody of a child not related to me

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I know a girl that is 13 years old and she keeps asking me to adopt her. How do i go about getting custody/guardianship of her? What are the requirements? I am 29 and have three children of my own (2 biologically, 1 is my husbands from a previous relationship). My son is 8, youngest girl is 6, and the oldest girl is 16 but I have known her since she was 3. She lives in NY with her biological mother. The child in question gets along with all of my children just fine. I know she is unhappy with her current living situation, she always looks depressed or sad. She is a sweet girl. The only problem is that I am not working right now so I don't think they would award custody to me because they feel I wouldn't be able to care for her. That is why I am looking for answers. Can anybody help me? Does anyone have any answers?

Please help. I would appreciate it. Thanking you in advance.
Without her mother's assistance (and her father's, too); your chances at adopting this child are almost nil. Add to that the fact that your financial circumstances are not the best, I suggest you dismiss this thought.

Beyond what I've already revealed to you, I'll add the fact that you are a legal stranger to this child. In today's

vigilant society, where everyone is thought to be a terrorist or a child molester, you could be setting yourself up for legal complications. You impress me as a very nice person, and loving mother, who wouldn't want any of this to interfere with her existing parental relationship with her own children.
For your own sake, be very, very careful!!!!
..and further, you're asking to take the child out of State.

Sorry, but this is NOT going to happen. It's just not.

And please bear in mind - 13 year olds are often moody and depressed. This is not a reason to take the child from her parent.
No...you misunderstood what i wrote. I already have a daughter living in NY. I live here in Florida and so does the child. I have known her and her family for about 2 years now. She lives close by. I don't plan on leaving Florida. There are other factors involved with taking her from her father (mother is not in the picture). She has told me things that I would rather not mention. Also there are times when he keeps her home (more often then not) for no reason at all. She misses a lot of school. My gut and her actions tell me that something else is going on. I know that i need proof and i know that if i could sit down and talk to her one on one, she would tell me.
None of this changes the reality.

You're not getting custody unless the State takes the child and places the child with you; this means getting child services involved and proving the father unfit.

Be very very careful to what you are hinting at too, with regards to "something going on" with the father. If a stranger on the internet gets what you're alluding to, then so will other people who may put Dad on alert and have you served with a defamation suit.
If you believe the child is being harmed, contact your local police agency immediately!!!!
This isn't about custody, it is about protecting a child.
However, be sure of what you speak.
As Proserpina said, false allegations can get you sued!

The state does offer a way to tip CPS off anonymously.

Florida Abuse Hotline
Telephone 1-800-962-2873

Make sure you read and uinderstand the warning about "false allegations".

sorry but you have no legal rights to this girl at all. unless mom and dad agree you cannot adopt her. and unless her parents give her permission, she is not living with you( or anyone else untill shes 18). you are a legal stranger to her.
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