Arrest, Search, Seizure, Warrant off duty deputy took warrant on me for wreckless driving

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New Member
Deputy arrested me after filling warrant,
came to my house,after i passed him on gravel road,where we both travel & live,after words were conveyed
I have been treated with anger management medicine,and have been diagnoised with bi-polar, well I was mad. so the deputy said
some jestures like threats that if i did that again,it whould be my last, any how i go to court this Sept around 23rd.

I refuse an apointed atourney, my ? . I dont now what to due,
I am now working, but afraid of lossing licsence.I live with parents
who have helped me so much in the past with my medicine,i have been out of work for some time due to my disorder,

I was charged with reckless driving, whould Prayer for judegnent help me ,

Thank You . for any advise would be most helpfull:confused:
What state are you in? I'm not sure that a PFJ will help you in this situtation. It is difficult to understand what your problem is and what you need.

What would be best for you is to work as hard as you can with your problem. It must be difficult and hope that you can try to rely as much as possible on those who want to help you. You should not refuse a court appointed attorney from at least assisting you and it is likely that they will not allow you to waive your rights completely and you may be required to have access to counsel to assist.

Use the attorney and I would plead not guilty and your attorney will likely say that this is more personal in nature. Maybe they will dismiss the complaint provided you are open to assistance and have a good attitude.

RIC said:
Deputy arrested me after filling warrant,
came to my house,after i passed him on gravel road,where we both travel & live,after words were conveyed
I have been treated with anger management medicine,and have been diagnoised with bi-polar, well I was mad. so the deputy said
some jestures like threats that if i did that again,it whould be my last, any how i go to court this Sept around 23rd.

I refuse an apointed atourney, my ? . I dont now what to due,
I am now working, but afraid of lossing licsence.I live with parents
who have helped me so much in the past with my medicine,i have been out of work for some time due to my disorder,

I was charged with reckless driving, whould Prayer for judegnent help me ,

Thank You . for any advise would be most helpfull:confused:
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