Shoplifting, Larceny, Robbery, Theft Offenses

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New Member
My fiancé has recently been incarcerated while on Parole, he received a DUI 2 weeks ago, and a Misdemeanor theft (which they are trying to enhance) in January. He had 6 months left on parole. Is it likely that he will do his term left on parole, and then another year for the misdemeanors. He has prior thefts as well.

He's likely to be revoked on his parole, then sentenced to serve the balance of time he had remaining.
If the theft is enhanced, it'll be a felony of some sort, and if convicted, he'll get more prison time.

If you're smart, let this loser go. Don't ruin your life waiting on a clown who is destroying his life.
You didn't break any laws. Why should you be in a VIRTUAL prison?
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