Office Tenant Complaint About Another Tenant

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New Member
On the day of October 8, 2009, another tenant's customer/old friend overstepped the boundaries of my personal and business space by reaching into my private office suite and pulling my door shut. I opened the door again and asked the woman in the process of pulling my door closed to not close my door. I did not pursue the matter further even though the customer of the other tenant said she closing the door to protect the privacy of the client I was talking to within the back (counseling) room of my private suite. I explained that the person to whom I was currently speaking in the back room of my suite was not a client but instead the telephone repairman who came to repair my nonworking phone and that I couldn't have people coming along and closing my door because at another time I could get locked out by that action. I did not pursue the matter further. But an hour or so later when I happened to look into the other tenant's office to ask her an question which was unrelated to her customer's closing my door, the other tenant angrily told me that I was "not allowed to yell at" her "customer." I said I did not yell at anyone and proceeded to explain. The other tenant interrupted me with other angry follow-up statements. That other tenant has broken terms of her lease and other orders which the landlords gave her by creating a constant nuasance and approaching my clients to talk to them as they tried to enter and leave the building. I documented all of the many inappropriate actions of that other tenant while never confronting the tenant directly. We had both be told to not approach either each other or each other's clients/customers. I avoided the other tenant, but she continued over months to pursue interacting first with me and later with my clients. She made multiple assumptions which were not true and spoke to me angrily and threateningly on 2 different occasions without provocation. I never addressed that other tenant in an angry tone even once....I have today received and e-mail from my leasing agent in which I was informed that the owners want me out of the building because they interpretted my documenting reports to them of the other tenant's inappropriate behaviors toward me and my clients as interfering with that other client's business. In that same e-mail, I was told that if I ceased complaining about the other tenant to the leasing agent or anyone else in the landlord's business that I could remain in my suite until the end of my lease term but would not be allowed to renew my lease....What if anything can I do to counter this unfair treatment by the landlord and his agent and their failure to protect me from the invading and harassing behaviors of the other tenant?
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You could hire an attorney and pursue nothing more than continuing your current lease term.

Your landlord has mo intention of allowing you to continue beyond your current lease term.

That was telegraphed to you in their latest missive.

You'd be better served by accepting their offer to get out of your leasehold as soon as possible.

Why expend money, time, and effort to stay where you areno linger wanted?

Winning in this case, is actually losing and will only prolong your agony.

Get out now, while you can, and invest your efforts in building your business and serving your customers!

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