What is the time frame for the SA to close out an estate? What forms must he use. ONE IMPORTANT QUEsTION, there was a settlement with the heirs to allow the estate to close, signed March 6, 2008 which gave me property but he refuses to give me the rents from that property or the deed till he says he closes out the estate. this was not mentioned in the settlement agreement, just that I got the property. He says another 6 months and the estate now only has left 58,000 in it so how can it be to diffucult to close out. He has taken from the heirs a total of $250,000 in less than 24 months and we have complained but the judge does nothing about it. In fact the judge as never considered the heirs, and has allowed all motions of the SA, mostly his motion to be paid. Since I filed a motion opposing his last fee, he says it's my fault he has to wait another 6 months.