Oh brother....

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Hello everyone. So, here is my concern. I recently accepted a job with a lawyer as her paralegal. I was to start in two weeks and found out a week before my start time i was pregnant. I left a detailed message with her office and my sincere apologies and informed her that my husband and I did not feel now would be the right time, given the new circumstances, to start a high stress position. There was no written contract. She called shortly after my interview to offer me the job and I accepted. We discussed salary, start date, and business hours. That was that. Should I fret for any reason? Have I breached a contract here? It has been bothering me. Please respond if you can.
Did you sign anything agreeing to work for her for a specified period of time? If not, you've got nothing to worry about.
Unless there was an employment contract, you usually can assume that any work is on an "at will" basis which means you and your employer can sever the employment relationship at will. Unless there is another theory of "detrimental reliance" e.g. you promised to be in Monday morning to complete a noon deadline and that morning you quit...
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