Rman, when it's your turn to collect Social Security Retirement feel free to decline it. Bet you won't.
The other side of that coin is the Medicare scam.
I didn't want, need, or desire Medicare.
I had a great healthcare plan, in addition to Tricare for Life.
Medicare showed up, uninvited into my life demanding $200 each month for a crappy, useless Medicare shell of a health plan.
Medicare is the gatekeeper, price fixer.
Their cutback rule 31 (might be 39) allows Medicare to reduce the provider's charges to what Medicare deems appropriate.
Imagine being able to apply that government philosophy arbitrarily to an IRS tribute you're assessed, the purchase price of a Lamborghini, an airline ticket, a 14 day cruise package, your grocery bill, etc...
Social Security is a tax, not a pension or a 401K.
Medicare is another tax scheme masquerading as a benefit for some, funded by many who didn't ask for it, seek it, or want.
Medicare appeared one day to confiscate my $200 for the GUBMINT to spend on another, or reduce her/his tribute.
The insurance companies derive a massive benefit and cost savings thanks to their co-conspirator, Uncle Sammy.