Oh that silly Biden...

That is a simple case of misspeaking. Biden doesn't know what years FDR was president or when the TV was created.

President Pringle commented on his son Beau's military service.
He said Beau was a Navy Captain who served in Kosovo and later in Iraq as an Army major.

A Navy Captain is an O6, same as an Army Colonel.

Beau actually was Delaware National Guardsmawho served in Kosovo on active duty as an Army Captain O3.
Beau never served in the Navy.
Hunter was a Navy Lt (JG) O2 until he was chaptered out for using crack.

President Pringle's greatest mutterings

Beau Biden's Military Service: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know | Heavy.com
As a seasoned citizen myself, ALL of us will suffer a brain freeze, a lost thought, forgotten words, forgotten dates, even an oral faux pas.

Orange Pumpkin Dude and President Pringle are as susceptible to aging, the same as any other seasoned citizen.

My mother and my mother-in-law were afflicted with Altzheimer and eventually succumbed to that damn disease. It is extremely painful to lose a loved one before she/he assumes room temperature.

I see in Biden what I saw in mom and my mother-in-law.

Biden's family and loved ones need to protect him, not work him to death.
Biden should know the difference since FDR is the legacy reason we have hateful democrats still in existence. Biden, Clinton and the rest of the blue mafia owe their legacies to FDR his NEW DEAL and the creation of the extended welfare state.
Rman, when it's your turn to collect Social Security Retirement feel free to decline it. Bet you won't.

The other side of that coin is the Medicare scam.
I didn't want, need, or desire Medicare.
I had a great healthcare plan, in addition to Tricare for Life.
Medicare showed up, uninvited into my life demanding $200 each month for a crappy, useless Medicare shell of a health plan.

Medicare is the gatekeeper, price fixer.
Their cutback rule 31 (might be 39) allows Medicare to reduce the provider's charges to what Medicare deems appropriate.

Imagine being able to apply that government philosophy arbitrarily to an IRS tribute you're assessed, the purchase price of a Lamborghini, an airline ticket, a 14 day cruise package, your grocery bill, etc...

Social Security is a tax, not a pension or a 401K.

Medicare is another tax scheme masquerading as a benefit for some, funded by many who didn't ask for it, seek it, or want.

Medicare appeared one day to confiscate my $200 for the GUBMINT to spend on another, or reduce her/his tribute.

The insurance companies derive a massive benefit and cost savings thanks to their co-conspirator, Uncle Sammy.
Biden, Clinton and the rest of the blue mafia owe their legacies to FDR his NEW DEAL and the creation of the extended welfare state.

There certainly was an considerable expansion of government during FDR's presidency. Some programs were temporary, some are still with us, like Social Security. And what was the impetus for programs like Social Security? The Great Depression, an event that not too many people alive today experienced first hand but that was devastating for many of the folks alive at the time. A lot of people needed help just to have food to eat and clothes to wear. And what lead up to the Great Depression? The Republican policies of the 1920s were a significant factor, something which today seems forgotten by many. The Republicans failed to provide any effective oversight of either the stock market or the banks, and pursued policies of heavy tariffs. President Hoover, a Republican, was in office when the stock market crashed in October 1929, was totally ineffective at dealing with the problem over the next three years, which is why FDR crushed Hoover in 1932, winning 472 electoral votes to the mere 59 that Hoover received, and all of Hoover's votes came from just a few states in the northeast, most notably Pennsylvania, with 36 votes. Had the Republicans either managed the roaring 20s better to prevent or at least greatly lessen the depression or had Hoover been at all effective at managing the crisis FDR may not have had that landslide win.

I'm not a big fan of a lot of what FDR did. But some of what he did was necessary at the time and I can't deny that his policies were overall popular with the voters. He'd not have been elected to office 4 times otherwise. We live in a democratic republic and the voters decided to back FDR's approach.

So let's not overlook the role the Republicans played in creating the large expansion of government in the 1930s to include programs like Social Security.
I estimate SS will be bankrupt,m underfunded or defunct by the time I get to partake in it, and/ or I do not hit the life expectancy to see the money.

Either way, 401ks and private retirement accounts are going to be the future of SS retirement benefits.

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