ohio custody visitation questions need help PLEASE

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New Member
I was a resident of Ohio, along with my 6 year old son and ex husband, I had a shared parenting plan in place, in October I left Ohio to go to AZ to get some medical treatment that I wasn't getting in Ohio. I ended up staying in AZ longer than expected. When I made plans to return to Ohio my ex husband informed me I would not be allowed to see my son bc he would not allow it. I have not recieved anything from his lawyer or a court. He has withheld communication with my son the entire time except once, when my son cried and asked when i was comming home, so yes he wants to see me.
my questions are 1. did my leaving void our parenting plan
2. is my ex husband allowed to just withhold visitation bc he wants to
3. will my leaving the state affect any attempts i make toward getting full custody of my son...
any advice or help is appreciated. thank you
You need an attorney.

Your X wants to fight.

Can he do those things?

Legally, it would appear not.

Will he?

Who knows?

The help you require will come from an attorney in your state.

All we can do is to relay useless anecdotes.

Good luck.
3. will my leaving the state affect any attempts i make toward getting full custody of my son...
any advice or help is appreciated. thank you

Getting full custody? Yes, leaving the state for 7 or 8 months with no visitation of your son will have a negative effect on your chances of getting full custody. Your reasons for leaving may be a mitigating factor, but your stated reason is much too vague to hazard a guess.
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