Alcohol & Drugs: DUI, DWI OHIO: DUI & Drug Paraphernalia

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I live in Ohio. Last night I received my first DUI and paraphernalia charge. These both were my first charges of any kind. I failed the field sobriety test....I butchered the alphabet. I was extremely cooperative. I was handcuffed and taken in. My rights were not read to me. They searched my car without my if they need it, and found (1) 4 inch long marijuana pipe. They had it searched before they had it towed to an impound. I took the breath test and blew a .192. I stayed overnight in a holding cell for 8 hours. The cell was filthy too man let me tell you. It was a biohazard...used band aids and other nasty shit laying around. I dont know whats going on really. I have court on Feb. 2nd. I currently have no lawyer and dont really know what to expect. Anyway I can get out of least the paraphernalia charge? I know there has to be a way. Any comments, advice, or whatever would be excellent!

Also, on Feb 2nd I am supposed to go to court already for not paying RITA last year. I was issued a subpoena a week or so ago for Feb 2nd is going to shape out to be one hell of a day.
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