oklahoma. mom wont pay

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My boyfriend.and his ex have joint custody did their own divorce.nobody pays child support.several months after divorce was final mom moves to tx. With boyfriend. She quit a good job. 14+ an hr. And now over a yr. Later will not get a job this is not a joint custody anymore. Will a judge make her look and go to work? Its not right for us to ja e to hire a lawyer and change custody and her get to sit around and it b based off minimum
Wage just cuz she wants to not work
.her boyfriend makes GOOD money but its not his responsibility.mu boyfriend makes desent money but she can work? Wat will happen in court?
Nobody know what will happen in court.

You say there is no child support order, so what is the concern? Has the ex now requested child support? Where does the child live?
Oh gosh sorry I left alot out. Me my boyfriend and his son live in Oklahoma. She moved to tx.last yr. With boyfriend quit her job here in okla. She shud have to pay child support
She is not here taking child her half of week or supporting him anymore.
If the child's father wants child support he will have to go through the motions at the family court. Even if she is ordered to pay support she may not do it, but if she does become employed there are ways to get to the money.
You are right, it isn't fair, but such is life. Make the best of it.
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