Old employer lying when called for reference?

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New Member
Hi, I am finding it impossible to find a job. Becouse my former employer who accused me of stealing money, is telling people I stole money when people call them to check my history or whatever.

The story is this. I was accused of embelezing over 3000 dollars from a gas station that I worked as assitant manager. This is totaly FALSE. I never stole anything. Until I was accused I was doing great there. It was my first and only job. I worked there for 2 years. And until I was accused had a near perfect record with them. I was also up for a promotion to manage my own store. They filed charges, and the DA or whatever droped them becouse there was no evidence at all.

Now when I put them down as my only past employer they are telling people that I stole. Now I have been unemployed becouse of this for a year.

What can I do to stop this?
Whether you have legal recourse depends upon exactly what the employer is saying when contacted for a reference. If they are saying you were fired for stealing when they have no proof that you did, then you may have the basis for a cause of action against them. If they are saying you were fired for suspicion of stealing that is a truthful statement and significantly weakens any potential claim unless you can demonstrate that have so little reason to have accused you of that that their statement is negligent.

On the other hand, if they truly have reason to believe you stole the money (even if they are mistaken) and fail to divulge that to a prospective employer, they could open themselves up to a claim for negligent referencing from the employer if you accept a job elsewhere, money again goes missing, and you are the culprit.

This situation is not as cut and dried as you may be thinking.

You're going to have to consult with a local qualified attorney to discuss this in further detail and find out what your legal recourse is, if any. It's possible that a strongly worded letter from an attorney to the employer may resolve the situation in your favor.
I was a little underhand today and called as if I was an employer seeking a reference on me.

Janice said that I was fired for taking 3200 dollars, and that they caught me doing it on tape!

2 things



They didnt even have security cameras in the store durring the entire time I was employed. I know they didnt have any hidden cameras becouse we had a number of robberies while I was there and they never produced to the cops any film whatsover.

Im not really worried about finding a job right now, my parents have agreed to support me if I start college in the fall. Which is great of them, would be nice if I could find a part time job though.

But I am worried that I wont be able to get a job as a teacher when Im done with school.
Yes, you should be worried about your future employment prospects if this is the reference this employer is giving you. Nobody will hire a thief.

I suggest you and your parents contact a local employment law attorney right away. It appears this employer is telling an outright lie about you and you need to deal with this without delay. It's quite possible that a strongly worded letter from an attorney threatening legal action if they don't immediately "cease and desist" will resolve the situation in your favor.
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