On administrative leave

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New Member
An employee is currently on administrative leave pending further investigation, due to a violation of the companies "Code of Conduct" manual. A newspaper was contacted via email concerning a company accident and the injured persons name was given before the company released it. No article was published using his name nor the party contacting the paper. The individual is a 20 year union member with a very good work record. Can he be fired for contacting a newspaper? And can he be fired for anonymously blogging in a negative manner towards the company?
If they want to fire Timmy Tell All, they don't have to go to such lengths to terminate him.

Who knows what anyone will do these days?

If I were Timmy Tell All, I'd just keep my big mouth closed and stop tattling.

I hope Timmy Tell All sees what his efforts have wrought him.

Let them prove their case, if they can.

The time to have worried was before anything was done. Now is the time to wait for the other shoe to drop.
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