One day power of attorney to over ride the durable power of attorney for title of car


New Member
My mother made me durable POA in 2016. In 2019 my brother somehow got a one day POA to change a title of a vehicle into his name without my knowledge. My mother was diagnosed with dementia is the reason why I was granted POA in 2016
She had no ID to prove she was owner in order to change the title. Can this be legally done without my knowledge of this transaction?
Can this be legally done without my knowledge of this transaction?

You answered that in your recitation of events, hereinabove.

Your sly, sleazy, slick sibling did the deed behind your back!!!

What's done has been done.

The dastardly deed has been accomplished.

If I were where you are, and I have been there in the past.

I chose to visit mother more often, because she was very ill. We'd often just sit quietly together, rocking, because she loved sitting in her rocking chair. Occasionally she reflect on an event in her past she enjoyed with me, my family, or during my childhood.

Those were some of the best times of my life. We were losing her, and she was slowly being called home by God.

It will happen to all of us one day, because none of us are here forever. When we pass to glory, that's our eternal resting place and home.

I wish you peace as you struggle to process a very stressful, mentally confusing time.

If can accept the above simple facts, your mental struggle will begin to calm. Otherwise, human arms are far too short to box with God!!!

I wish you and mother all the best. Please endeavor just to love mother and ignore all of the nonsense around you and her.

I love my wife beyond words. Currently she's struggling with end stage renal disease. She received a kidney transplant on November 8 of last year. Unfortunately for her, the kidney failed. She's back in the hospital as I write this.

I've lived, worked, and fought with some of the toughest people on the planet, Army Rangers. My wife could have been one, as she fights one of the toughest battles of her life.

Me, all I do is comfort her, show her I love her, and she says to me, "Thank you for being here, willing to do anything I need.

I thank her for just loving me, supporting me, and helping parent our children. By the way, they make sure to call her everyday, as do our grands.

My point is, forget physical things, material things, focus on mother. Love her, support her, reminisce with her about better days and times.

One final thought comes to mind.

I believe in miracles, and I hope you do, too.

I have had some dark days in my life.

Several times in my younger days, I've stared death in it's ugly face.

I could have died several times.

Suffice to say, I'm still among the living.

I attribute my survival to God Almighty.

Bare in mind, I'm not recruiting for the Lord.

He has His ways and Angels to do that for Him.

I'm testifying, as to why I believe I survived.

Its simple to me, prayer, belief, acceptance of my savior, Jesus, and His guiding hand during my many misadventures as an Army Ranger.

Again, talk to people that love you.

If you believe in some higher power, take it there.

Finally, always try to do best for others, in your case its all for mother.

She and your dad gave you the life you're living.

Now it can ONLY be made better, improved by you, if you seek a better path.

I pray God, through His Son, Jesus, will take you into their compassionate arms, and allow the healing and blessings to flow.

PS: If you meet with a local family law attorney and discuss seeking an ADULT GUARDIANSHIP (as they're known in Ohio) for your mother.

If you do that, you can ensure yourself a lawful way to deal with the buzzards, vermin, pirates, conartists, and greedy scammers and vultures from robbing a person you love, one that gave you life, and one you love, your blessed, mother.

Can this be legally done without my knowledge of this transaction?

Of course it CAN be done. It WAS done. Apparently legally if it was OK with the DMV.

It might have been that your mother had a moment of lucidity where she decided to give the car to your brother.

And 5 years later is way too late to do anything about it.