Ongoing flooding issues

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New Member
We recently had flooding due to heavy rainfall. Our basement was completely flooded and there are thousands of dollars of damage. We had the same problem last spring, and the landlord was contacted, and he did nothing. He stated that the house was waterproofed and there was nothing he could do about it. Every time its rained hard its leaked, but this time, we actually got it bad. He was notified of the problem, and yet he chose to do nothing. We have nothing in writing and he is claiming that we never contacted him... even though he came over and assessed the damage. What rights do I have as a tenant in this situation. We don't have renters insurance, and he is taking his sweet time to get someone out here to work on the problem.

What can we do in this situation?
It's always good to get requests for repairs in writing so that you have documentation in cases like this. This avoids the "he said, she said" issues that come up so often.

It is also a very good thing to carry inexpensive renters insurance to cover damages.

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