Online harassment laws? Cyber Bullying..what can I do?

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I recently received another email from a website owner who was not pleased with my initial rating of his service, he has an application of his site on a popular social site, it allows people to sell/buy stuff. I had tried it in the past and really I did not think much of it when I gave it one star. Well, that apparently drove this guy insane who sent me an email demanding I change my rating/comment, I refused. thinking that was the end he sent me another email recently AND left a nasty comment on my profile, I responded to one of his emails where he is obviously more angry now and cussing at me, and he threatened to tell the social site about me?

Ok, I responded but in no way used his tone or language, basically in the end I told him I had a right like every other user to leave a rating, and to not contact me again.

He wasn't done, he had a friend of his contact me (I didnt know they were friends) , I came across another similar application and posted an item for sale, this second guy emailed me immediately stating he saw my rating on another site and wanted to introduce his site to me, I told him sure...he mentioned the other site (my guess was to see what I'd say) and I told him it did not work for me, I was cordial but honest, to my surprise he forwarded my email to his friend, the one who contacted me a couple times previously and left a nasty comment on my site, that guy. They were apparently working together, since I had to sign up to use the application I quickly asked to have my account deleted, already I had received nasty emails already from this guy, but now, his friend emailed me stating basically he's sorry "we didnt meet your standards" and addressed me by my REAL name, upon signing up I did not use it, people use nicknames,etc. But this guy clearly wanted me to know that he had my real name and personal information.

This all came upon becuase I left a rating that they did not like, so now I am being harassed AND they have gone through the trouble to somehow get my real name.

What in the world can I do now?
What is the total dollar amount of actual and direct damages you have suffered?
Report the abuse and forward the abusive emails to his ISP. You can also find out who hosts his website and forward a complaint there as well.

Honestly, the only thing I have thought of is WHAT else these men will do, what MORE information about me personally will they seek. All this becuase I did what millions do, I rated a service. When I got the second email where the guy is calling me a "f*******" liar, that I was "spreading lies" about his site and that he was going to report my "A**" I was shocked, and was shaking becuase I was not expecting him to #1 contact me, #2 speak to me like that. I have not sleep in two days, then here comes his friend befriending me for the simple fact of helping him, when I received yet another email and its addressed to me as "Ms. Martha (my real last name)", I was even more shocked, it was clear they wanted to intimidate me, and show me that they knew who I was, what else? Are they getting my home address? Home phone? I am literally scared now, from one comment I am getting all this....nasty emails, a nasty comment on my profilem and now they have my real name, I never used it!

I cannot focus right now, what are these men trying to do? If they contact me at home in any way I will call the police, but its clear the first guy, whom I left a one star rating about his service is clearly angry and looking to harm me, thats how I feel. Why make it a point to show me that you have my REAL name? Why??
I contacted Facebook, which hosts his selling/buying application after the second email, they assured me that someone would contact me, I truly hope they can help because this is very real.
Yes, I blocked them both. I know many people think Cyber harassment/Bullying is not that serious, but I can honestly say that it is as real. You cannot contact consumers/users like this because they left a rating you did not like, you certainly shoild not contact them personally/directly, take the rating as feedback. Then comes the other correspondence, and stating my real name. I am truly upset, scared and greatly concerned about my safety now. Its like someone who you think doesnt know your info at all, all they have is a nickname/first name and they send you a photo of your kid to show you, "thats right...I know who you are!", this is insane, there needs to be laws against this. I have also contacted some organizations but since there are no laws, what can you do?
I did not say not to take it serious. I gave you methods to stop the actions. You contacted facebook and you have blocked email addresses. If the emails threaten you with harm contact Police. By the way Facebook is not really well known place for legit businesses. Its mostly a hangout for kids or lonley people. Not really a place I would personally seek out for any business transactions
No, i didnt not mean you personally, I meant in general people do not take this seriously, i apologize if you thought I directed that to you. I know, Facebook is what it is, mostly a virtual hangout is how I descibe it., but I have been able to use the site successfully to make contacts here and there, i was jsut not expecting this to come from one rating. I have heard about other businesses contacting others when they did not like a rating, but this is ridiculous. Thank you for your input jacksgal.
Suggested actions

. Block all absuive emails
. Report abuse to ISP Example if email comes from then forward email to
. Report abuse to whomever host website. In this case Facebook. Be a pest the squeeky wheel gets the grease. Forward all abusive emails to facebook
. If any threat to you, your friends, family or property are made save contact and contact Police
. Delete your facebook profile and recreate it
. If you havent already save all contact emails you have in siutation is resolved
I will do this, becuase I do not want these people to contact me again. I've sent another email to Facebook indicating about yet receiving another disturbing email, and I will continue to contact them until someone replies and helps me. I have already made copies of the email, and communication I made with Facebook to show documentation. Honestly, i have seen many ratings/comments against sites that were really bad, I look at mine and although I gave it only one star, within the rating comment i even stated "its ok" and that "one day it could be THE site to go to for this kind of service" but as of now I felt it only deserved one star, it was not meant to be taken personally, but i guess the owner took it that way. Thank you once again, I'm still shaken up by this, but I will certainly do what I have to such as document it all and keep a close eye on myself, and my family just in case. Take care.
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