Online Tutoring Business and Outsourcing

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I am planning to start up an online tutoring business. I was planning to get the help of teachers here in US, and as well as teachers in India. I am planning to take the services of a firm in India who maintains highly qualified faculty. My question is, are there any regulations or licences that I will be needing to start up this business and to use the outsourcing services?
What are the initial steps I should take to start up this business? Should I incorporate or just form a small proprietary business?
Will an inter-business contract with the other firm in India sufficient?
Have you done your due diligence?

We're a legal advice forum.

But, I'd be remiss not to point out the depression in which we are all enduring.

This might not be the time to start up this type of business.

You might wish to investigate how other tutoring services are faring in this economy.

They aren't doing well.


Children who could benefit from this type of service are often from lower class or lower middle class homes. Their parents are struggling financially.

Addressing the legalities of your situation, if you desire to proceed, it probably depends on the states in which you desire to serve. If you're thinking nationally, that could be more complex.

I suggest you contact the education agencies in the states you are looking to start and inquire.
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