Other Criminal Charges & Offenses Open Container

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I was wondering how hard it is to get a dismissal of an open container ticket. I was recently pulled over and my passenger had open container down in his door and one on the floor. Both out of my reach. Is this considered an alcohol related incident, I assume so but just asking. Due to schooling and job opportunities I don't want to have anything on my record.
I suggest you discuss this with a lawyer.
If it can be done, it'll take a lawyer to facilitate it.
Stuff ain't free.
I would say yes, it is alcohol related. I highly doubt your friend was carrying two open containers for himself. If this were to come up in your background and you were not forthcoming about it I would jump to conclusions about your character and possible alcohol troubles.
Agreed with Army Judge. Really minor offenses such as that won't effect schooling. DUI's, Felonies and Assault charges are more prevalent and jump out. Most employers will only ask about misdemeanors.
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