Alcohol & Drugs: MIP, MIC, Intoxication Open Intox

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New Member
I am 22 years old. Went to a party, the police came. I got separated from my friends so I walked outside see what street we were on to get directions. Looked down to make sure that I was on the lawn and not the sidewalk because I had a plastic cup with beer in it. While I was talking to my friend on the phone I started to walk around a little bit. I feel someone walk up and look over me. I walk away because of the whole personal space thing and the next thing I know, without any verbal warning, the collar of my shirt gets grabbed and I get violently pulled back. It was a police officer. He tells me to get off the phone and I looked down and I saw that I was on the lawn. I gave him my ID and he wrote me up for open intoxicates. He said that I had stepped on the sidewalk. Probably just one step. What are my options? What should I say to the judge in court?

will this go on my record if I'm convicted? when I apply for jobs will I have to state that I've been convicted of a misdemeanor?
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