Opening up my home

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New Member
A girl I was seeing needed some place to stay so I let her stay with me. My rent went up $50.00 a month once she moved it, she does not pay rent, does not have a job and we do not have a lease. She tells me that if I kick her out that I will have to pay her for a new place because I invited her to live with me. Is that even possible?
Even though she does not pay rent she is still a tenant. You must use your states "legal" process to remove her. Now whether or not shes ocrrect with her statement I dont know but I doubt it. A quick call to a Tenant/Landlord Attorney will get you that answer. In mean time look up or ask what your state says is proper notice period to removal of tenant. If 30 days then give her a written notice to vacate within 30 days. If she fails to leave you then must file for eviction through courts
She is not a resident because she does not pay rent. She is a guest. She is just desperate not to have you throw her out. Tell her to start paying rent or get out. You do not have to evict her.

Also, she is absolutely blowing smoke about you having to get her somewhere else to live. She is wrong.
If she has been there awhile and is getting mail there she will need to be evicted. Getting mail at residence establishes residency
With all due respect to Jackgal, getting mail at a residence can be evidence of residency but it does not in and of itself prove residency. A guest who comes to live in your home temporarily can get mail in your home and not automatically become a resident.

Now if this girl is a girlfriend, and you are sleeping together, then she is a resident. Believe it or not you can't pay for sex, but it is considered consideration for marriage and residency. Mail, however, is not something that the owner can control and does NOT automatically establish residency.
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