Oral agreement?

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New Member
1 year ago I rented out my apartment, the day I rented out the apartment there was signed lease agreement, no contingencies included. But on that day, the tenant said to me he "thought" That he might need the place for more than 1 year and If i could extend the lease after the year was up, My response was "I might be able to". Then about 3 months later my mom was installing shutters in her house and she had the shutter company go to my house, and I called the tenant so he would freak out and see someone outside his window and I said' Hey someone is going to be outside your house because I am getting estimate to put up shutters" He then said OK, do you want me to get estimates for you, I said "Well if you know anyone and they will do it cheap let me know" He called me about 2 weeks later and verbally over the phone told me he couldn't get any cheaper than the one I had gotten. I then told him that it was too expensive and that I was not going to put up shutters.

1 year later I am eviciting him because he has not paid me in 3 months, and he is sending me emails telling me that I Verbally agreed that I would extend his lease and put up shutters, and that he is going to civil suit me for 60,000.00 for breach of contract and fraud, moving expenses etc etc. I told him that I never agreed to anything, but he still says he is going to sue me because verbal contracts are valid in Florida. My questions are, Do you think he has a case? Is saying "maybe", or "Ill consider it" a verbal agreement?

Please help, Im losing money by day!!:mad:
Go head with the eviction. He has no case. Verbal agreements aren't worth the paper their written on....especially in Florida.
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