Order of Restitution Validity

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New Member
Tenants were evicted and were to leave by 6/22/2010. They did not. The Sheriff delivered an Order of Restitution with a move out date of July 27,2010Will that date be considered valid since it is a signed court document?.
Tenants were evicted and were to leave by 6/22/2010. They did not. The Sheriff delivered an Order of Restitution with a move out date of July 27,2010Will that date be considered valid since it is a signed court document?.

Yes, only a court can order a tenant to be "evicted".

The most a a landlord can legally do is ask the tenant to leave.

If they don't, a judge must first hear the matter and issue a judgment; usually an eviction order.

That order then is levied by a law enforcement official against the tenant.

Ultimately, the tenant leaves or is forcibly removed by the law enforcement official.
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