Ordered to pay child support but my son lives with me

So I was served some court documents recently and I have no idea what they mean, I was wondering if you of you guys could help me out. First off I'll start with some background on the case, then I'll post the documents I received, then I'll post some questions I have about them.

BACKGROUND: So back in 2011 my son lived with his mom and we went to court for child support. I was ordered to pay every month. About two months later my son came to live with me and has lived with me ever since. When he moved in with me I didn't immediately notify the courts, which is my bad, I know. They kept billing me and it kept adding up. I was an idiot, but about 6 months-a year later I finally notified them that he lives with me. In that time his mom moved to Colorado. So when I finally told the court he lives with me I was ordered back to court again. His mom didn't show up, because she lived/lives in Colorado, and the court was unable to get her served because she lives there, so court was rescheduled. I was ordered back, and she still wasn't served about 10 times since then. Like 10 times I have been to court and they tell me there is nothing they can do because she hasn't been served. So for years now they have been charging me for child support, I haven't been paying it because he has lived with me this entire time, and now I owe thousands of dollars. I have been to court for this multiple times and they just reschedule it every time. Anyway, here is the court documents that I recevied:


Now I'm bad at lawyer/law speak, and I have no idea what any of this means, and I can't afford a lawyer or I would have gotten one years ago.


It says if I don't file a written answer with the clerk who issued that citation then a default judgment can be taken against me. Answer to what? What do they mean by this? What am I supposed to be answering? What am I supposed to say? I have no idea what this means.

In general I just don't know what any of this means. Can someone explain it please?
So I was served some court documents recently and I have no idea what they mean,

I suggest you take the documents that you don't understand to an attorney and ask the attorney to help you understand what the documents mean.

Now I'm bad at lawyer/law speak, and I have no idea what any of this means, and I can't afford a lawyer or I would have gotten one years ago.

It would appear that only a lawyer you HIRE can help you.

You could try contacting any legal aid services in your area.

You appear to reside near McKinney.

Here are some services you can contact in your neck of the woods:

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas - McKinney Office


Legal Aid Of NorthWest Texas (LANWT) - McKinney | Pro Bono Texas

Legal Aid of Northwest Texas - McKinney | FreeLegalAid

The meter is ticking and will keep ticking until you pay up, or stop the hemorrhaging.

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